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JonBenét Ramsey's

Tara Woeste 


JonBenét Ramsey

December 26th, 1996, and the horrors that accompanied that day have still left people shocked, and the police stumped. (Chang 1) The case of JonBenét Ramsey is one of the most infamous cold cases. The horrors of this day ended with a young six-year-old girl rising in the model industry brutally murdered, not knowing who to blame. With this case, there have been many theories that have emerged the most accepted are that it resulted from someone that lived in the very home of this sweet girl: 

1.The bother was responsible (Wittmer 1) 

2.The father was responsible (1) 

3.The mother was responsible ( 1) 



The home of the Ramsey's only gets more broken as you look into the history. Each of the family members have done thing or said things that make them look suspicious. After looking at all the information, it is most likely the mother, driven by jealousy and rage, who was accountable for this tragic death. 

Most people knew Patsy Ramsey as a kind, caring, and dedicated mother who loved her daughter, but is this the case (Augé, Karen)? Is she the person people think she is? Or, is she the cold-blooded killer of her six-year-old daughter JonBenet? Looking into the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, there are moments where one questions her reaction-is she someone shattered from this tragedy (Body Language: Murder Suspects John and Patsy Ramsey)? Or, is she worried about a conviction? As one dives deeper into the mother and her personality traits, one can see how obsessed she is with her family’s appearance and how unempathetic she is.  

Patsy Ramsy deeply cared for what others thought of her and her family is prevalent through statements and past history (Augé, Karen). In an interview talking about the most tragic event any parent could ever talk about, she is poised, with her make-up and hair done, and is in a nice outfit, which is surprising for someone whose daughter has just been murdered—showing that she cared more about her appearance than the death/murder of her daughter (Body Language: Murder Suspects John and Patsy Ramsey). However, this is prevalent not only in the interview. On the day after her daughter’s murder, she opens the doors of her house to the public; she is noted for not looking like what one would expect. Her hair is not messy, and she does not look as if her life is falling apart instead she is dressed to perfection as if nothing has happened (“Ramsey Clothing Journey.”). 

It has been noted that the mother appears to be un-empathetic (Body Language: Murder Suspects John and Patsy Ramsey). This is prevalent in interviews, and while she’s talking about a tragic incident of her daughter’s murder she’s sitting poised and emotionless (Body Language: Murder Suspects John and Patsy Ramsey). Even though this is a difficult subject, she is not leaning towards her husband for any support; she is merely looking very calm into the camera (Body Language: Murder Suspects John and Patsy Ramsey). There are times that she does show some emotion. This is rare in most of the interviews. If one had it muted, one would think she was talking about something that meant nothing to her and not the horrific murder of a very own daughter (Body Language: Murder Suspects John and Patsy Ramsey).  There are also other times the interview had questions about her verbiage. It seems disconnected. This is seen when she says things like “I love that child” and “who would do such a thing to a child?”. These are minor, but why not “I love my child” and “do such a thing to our child.?” This lack of concern leads you to believe that her bond with her daughter was questionable. It is hard to understand why she isn’t concerned and broken about the death of her daughter. 

Through these examples, one can break down patsy’s personality and character traits. One can see how Patsy cared for what others thought of her and her family and is un-empathetic towards the death of her daughter.

December 26th, 1996, and the horrors that accompanied that day left people shocked, the police stumped. The case of JonBenét Ramsey is one of the most infamous cold cases. The horrors of this day ended with a young six-year-old girl rising in the model industry brutally murdered, not knowing who to blame. In this case, there have been many theories that have emerged. The most accepted is that it resulted from someone who lived in the very home of this sweet girl. The first two conspiracies were thought to be the brother Burke Ramsey, who has had previous anger issues, or the father, John Ramsey. The third theory suggests that it was the mother Patsy Ramsey who killed her daughter out of anger and stress, and John Ramsey, the father, covered it up to help his wife.

            The first widely accepted conspiracy was that the brother committed the awful crime. In Jon Benet’s autopsy, they revealed that Jon Benet suffered head trauma and had pieces of undigested pineapple in her system(Augé, Karen). According to Patsy Ramsey, Burke had been eating pineapples with milk and tea while Jon Benet slept upstairs the night before she was found. It is possible that Jon Benet could have gone downstairs and stole a piece of Burke’s pineapple. This could’ve led to Burke losing his anger, causing him to pick up a nearby flashlight and hit Jon Benet in the head, killing her accidentally(Augé, Karen). This is believed as you can look into the brother’s history he does have some anger issues and shortly before the murder, he hit his sister over the head with a bat. This raises eyebrows as she was found with a fracture of a flashlight on her head. This theory has been disproven by a DNA test that had cleared Burke from the suspect list (Augé, Karen).

The second conspiracy that is suggested was that the father John Ramsey was the killer of his 6-year-old daughter after he molested her. The video of the Ramseys Interview shows John Ramsey’s body language as stressed and guilty by him licking his lips, having high shoulders, and nodding his head, which is a sign of reassuring himself. The video also shows the wife Patsy Ramsey saying there is a 100,000 dollar reward for any information on the killer. As she states this, she points at her husband unconsciously, which could indicate that he is the killer (Body Language). The support against this theory to be true is in Steve Thomas’s book “Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation” where he states, “Initially investigators thought Ramsey had been molesting his daughter, but “there was no pathology, no personality, no history and no evidence indicating any history” that he ever molested any of his children, or anyone else’s, Thomas said. Thomas believes, though, that John Ramsey did lie about when he found JonBenét’s body in the family's basement. Ramsey was unaccounted for, according to Linda Arndt, the only detective on the scene for about an hour the morning of Dec. 26.“Frankly, I think that’s when he found the body,” Thomas said last week”( Augé, Karen). Making this theory highly unlikely.


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The third conspiracy that can be concluded was that Patsy Ramsey had panicked and killed her daughter and the father, John Ramsey, opted to help his wife clean up the murder than turn her in. This theory can be seen when detective Steve Thomas stated that “I think he saw everything but her signature on that note,” Thomas said in an interview with The Denver Post last week. And from that moment on, John has protected Patsy Ramsey with an armada of attorneys and with his own silence, Thomas said. Detective Thomas then states in his published book “Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation” “I believed JonBenét was slammed against a hard surface, such as the edge of the tub, inflicting a mortal head wound.” Then the former Miss West Virginia panicked, Thomas theorizes. And Patsy Ramsey cooked up the whole kidnapping, wrote the ransom note”. The evidence of the ransom note and the frustration that Patsy Ramsey showed towards her daughter, but does this mean she is responsible for the death of a child? This case may never be solved and will most likely prevail to be one of the most infamous cold cases. Patsy Ramsey died in 2006 just 10 years after the tragic incident, and she took everything she knew to the grave with her. Making this theory very plausible.

Unfortunately, the more you dive into this case the more tangled it gets. This case will most likely remind one of the most infamous cold cases and sadly justice being brought to the sweet 6-year-old may never come.


December 26th, 1996, and the horrors that came about that cold winter night remain a mystery. Police and investigators have gone through the evidence and worked the case best that they can. The main three conspiracy theories that came from this case are: 

1.The bother was responsible  

2.The father was responsible 

3.The mother was responsible  

Bringing justice to the sweet 6-year-old is unlikely. While a definitive answer cannot be given there is ample evidence that the mother is most likely responsible for this tragic death. 



Works Cited

A Short Life in the Spotlight,

Augé, Karen, and Marilyn Robinson. “Book Lays Blame on Patsy Ramsey.” The Denver Post, TheDenver Post, 23 Sept. 2016,

Body Language: Murder Suspects John and Patsy Ramsey Interview.

Chang, Rachel. “JonBenét Ramsey's Murder: Timeline of the Child Pageant STAR'S Death      and   Investigation.”, A&E Networks Television, 17 Nov. 2020,

“Ramsey Clothing Journey.” Websleuths,

THOMAS, STEVE. “Jonbenet. inside Ramsey Murder Investigation.” Amazon, ST. MARTIN'S Press, 2000,

Wittmer, Carrie. “All the Theories about Who Really Killed JonBenét Ramsey.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 3 May 2017,

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